Years ago I made ID charts that you can print and laminate for your Minelab detector. They were a big hit with a few friends so I decided to share them here. There are probably a ton of other charts out there you can search for but this download pack includes several detectors and they were all compiled from a variety of different charts to make a nice uniform copy.
Originally I started with the Minelab Explorer and the Etrac/CTX as well as the Soveriegn. Thats right, the Soveriegn does have an ID unit which can be added to the detector and I created a chart for it.
I have also updated the ID Chart Pack to now include the Equinox as well.

Also included are some charts for the Fisher F5 and Garrett AT Pro detectors.

The charts have been arranged primarily by number so its easier to look up as you see your target ID. For me, I have learned to go by what I hear and not what I see but these can be a helpful guide to have if you are starting out or just need some reference. The ID Chart pack includes a JPG, PDF and the original Excel file so you can adjust them as you see fit. As always, please share this freely. Thanks and you can download it here: